Classroom Management Strategies for Kindergarten

Most kindergarten students are very excited about the beginning of the school year. They are excited about the about idea of learning, and you, as their teacher, should be equally as excited to meet your students. This excitement can be short-lived, however, without adequate preparation and planning. Kindergarten students are a lively bunch that require consistent and effective management skills.
1 Scheduling
The first step in successful classroom operation is developing and implementing a classroom routine. Most kindergarten classrooms have schedules that are posted in the classroom. This schedule details what students will be doing each day at a specific time. Using a schedule will not only help keep you on task during the day but will also assist you with the development of lesson plans. This way, you can be sure that you cover all of the information your students need for first grade.
2 Activity Centers
Activity centers divide your classroom into sections. Each section focuses on a specific activity. For example, your classroom may have centers for board games, Legos or make-believe. Center activities are usually part of the daily classroom schedule in a kindergarten class and are usually done on a rotating basis. Center time activities encourage the development of socialization skills.
3 Reward and Punishment Systems
Every kindergarten class should also have a thorough set of rules and regulations. These rules should include a systematic method of reward and punishment. This will teach your students how to assess the consequences for inappropriate behavior, which will benefit them for the rest of their lives.
An effective reward and punishment system outlines the expectations for behavior clearly and precisely. It is important to itemize the types of rewards that will be given, as well as as the consequences for bad behavior. It is equally as important to be balanced and consistent in the application of these rules. Remember to reward the students who are behaving well as often as you punish those who behave poorly.