Tools for the Evaluation of Teacher Aides

Tools for the evaluation of teacher aides include job description forms, evaluation forms, feedback forms and daily checklists. Teacher aides should also be evaluated with formal observations. Teachers or an administrator can perform the observations. Following the observations, the findings are recorded on an evaluation form. In addition, students can complete feedback forms to have a voice in the evaluation process.
1 Job Descriptions
Job descriptions help teacher aides understand requirements for fulfilling their job responsibilities. Teacher aides feel more confident when they are fully aware of their expectations. Administrators should determine the scope of teacher aides jobs and describe responsibilities clearly. Differences between teacher and teacher aide responsibilities should be acknowledged in the job description.
2 Evaluation Forms
Evaluation forms are used to document a teacher aide's ability to work with students. These forms are flexible and may measure punctuality, ability to follow directions, communication skills, student behavior, management skills, and professionalism. Some teacher aides are also required to participate in continuing education, so the forms may discuss courses that the aides have taken and how the coursework has benefited students.
3 Daily Checklist
A daily checklist can be used to ensure that teacher aides have fulfilled their duties and responsibilities. Teacher aides will benefit from the checklist because they can see at a glance if they are performing satisfactorily. Attendance, one-on-one time spent with students, participation in meetings, and adherence to the teacher's lesson plans may be included in the checklist.
4 Teacher Observations
The performance of teacher aides may be measured at least once a year. A teacher or administrator who evaluates the aide should focus on how the aides interact with students and on student learning. The aide's performance, like that of teachers, is measured by school and student goals.
5 Student Feedback Forms
Student feedback forms allow students to measure a teacher aide's ability to help them. Students are the teacher aide's customers and it is important to get their perspective. Feedback forms from students should be designed with multiple choice and open-ended questions. The teacher aide should not be in the room while the students complete the form.