American Flag Etiquette for Veteran's Day
29 SEP 2017

Veteran's Day, a federal holiday that replaced Armistice Day, pays tribute to veterans of the United States military. Held on Nov. 11, Veterans Day is a time to pay tribute to the sacrifice and dedication of American soldiers who've fought for their country in many arenas. The rules for flying the flag on Veterans Day are the same for any other national holiday except Memorial Day.
1 Display
The rules for displaying the American flag on Veteran's Day are much like any other holiday. Americans are encouraged to display the flag proudly. Never hang the flag so that it touches the ground or gets easy tangled on something. The flag should be hung right-side up, with the blue block of stars on top. If the flag is hung vertically, the stars should still be on top.
2 Wearing
It is considered improper to wear the American flag as part of your costume, clothing or uniform. While you cannot get in legal trouble for it, wearing the flag is against the Federal Flag Code. Only firemen, law enforcement and United States military are permitted to wear the American flag on their clothing or as part of their uniforms. It is, however, perfectly acceptable to wear an American flag pin on your lapel.
3 Addressing the Flag
Veterans Day ceremonies often include the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem. When reciting the pledge or hearing the Star-Spangled Banner, remove your hat and place your right hand over your heart. Those in the military and in uniform, including Scouts, police officers and firefighters, should salute.
4 Advertising
Although this rule is not followed much, it is against the flag code and certainly good etiquette to use the American flag or the image of the flag in any form of advertisement, television commercial or anything promoting a private business or company, no matter how .Especially on Veteran's Day, using the American flag to represent anything other than the United States, liberty and patriotism is considered uncouth.