Activities for the Conversion of Saul Bible Story
29 SEP 2017

The Bible story of Saul's conversion on the road to Damascus is a dramatic account that can engage the imaginations of church school students. The story is recorded in Acts, Chapter 9. A bright light, temporary blindness and the dramatic change from Saul, persecutor of Christians, to the Apostle Paul are the highlights. Numerous activities can illustrate insights from this story and help children remember the story and the lesson.
1 The Meanings of Light
Saul's encounter with a bright light transformed him. Talk about how people cannot see in the dark but can see when a light is shown, and how you can understand things in a different way in the light. Relate this to Saul, who amended his ways after he saw a bright light. Any activity that shows change in the presence of light is a good illustration of this. Use ultraviolet beads that change color in direct sunlight that you can purchase them from various sources, including science education suppliers. Show what happens when the beads are placed in sunlight. Alternatively, you can use glow sticks or glow bracelets to show dark and light.
2 Saul's Blindness
Saul could not see for a period of time after his encounter with the light. The story recounts that his companions led him by the hand into the city. Blindfold students or have them wear dark glasses to help them identify with Saul's experience. Create a maze and lead blindfolded students through it by hand. Or have the blindfolded students play follow-the-leader through a maze. Discussion of the experience should follow, focusing on trust and helplessness.
3 Saul's Metamorphosis
Saul's conversion from the premier persecutor of Christians to the Apostle Paul is a dramatic change. Children will enjoy seeing change or metamorphosis illustrated in numerous ways. For younger children, use construction paper cutouts of butterflies. On the wings, print a short verse from the story or allow the children to do so. Talk about the change from caterpillar to butterfly as an illustration of the change that occurs during conversion. Butterflies also represent resurrection.
4 Music and Songs
Children love music and it often plays an important place in Sunday school. The actions and words to choruses reinforce the themes of the story. “Amazing Grace” is a very old song, familiar to most Christians: “I once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see” reinforces Saul's experience on the Damascus Road. Other children's songs, such as “This Little Light of Mine,” also serve to reinforce the Saul story.