How to Detect a Ghost
29 SEP 2017

Many people find themselves faced with unexplained occurrences, which may or may not be attributed to ghosts, hauntings or other supernatural activity. If you find yourself faced with sudden temperature drops, strange sounds or a constant string of items being lost and then rediscovered somewhere else, you may have a ghost on your hands. The only way to know for sure is to take steps to detect and identify the ghost. If you suspect that you may be the victim of a haunting, keep reading to learn how to detect a ghost.
Pay close attention to temperature differences as you move through rooms. Ghosts are commonly associated with “cold spots,” where the temperature in one area of a room will be noticeably colder than the rest of the room, or perhaps even an entire room will be colder than the rest of the building. Cold spots can usually be detected without any special instruments, but a digital thermometer can be used to record specific temperature variations. There are many thermometers known as digital weathermen, which will display precise measurements for temperature, wind speed and direction, air pressure and other items that you may wish to keep a record of.
Watch items for movement. Sometimes ghosts become fixated on a particular item, and will seem to move that item repeatedly, even if they leave everything else alone. If you suspect this activity, draw a chalk outline around the item so that you will have clear, visual evidence in the event that it is moved by a ghost.
Use a tape recorder to record background noises in your home. The latest discovery in the field of scientific ghost detection is Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). You may be familiar with this phenomenon from the movie “White Noise.” The basic theory of EVP is that you can record the sounds and voices of ghosts, which can be heard when the tape plays back, even if they were not audible at the time of the recording. Try to record yourself talk to the ghost and asking questions, and play the tape back later to listen for answers. Also record a quiet room where ghostly activity is suspected to see if you can pick up some kind of EVP during hours when you are normally sleeping.
Check your home from Electro-Magnetic Frequencies (EMF). Ghostly activity is often associated with fluctuations in the electro-magnetic field. This is why ghost activity is often attributed to lights turning on an off, or other disturbances with electronic devices. You can buy special EMF detectors, which will gauge the electro-magnetic field of a particularly spot and give you a scientific reading of the EMF. If you can not afford to purchase and EMF detector, you can also patrol your home with a compass, looking for dramatic disturbances in the position of magnetic North.
Call in a professional. If all signs point to a ghost and you just aren’t sure what to do, try to enlist the help of a psychic or paranormal investigator. Many paranormal investigators will be happy to try to detect your ghost at no charge, simply for having the opportunity to prove the existence of ghosts. Because these people detect ghosts on a regular basis, they are more in tune with what to look for and how to deal with a situation when it arises.