How to Write a Student Report

Students begin writing reports as early as middle school. A student report can be for a science project or to summarize a book read during the summer reading program. Several basic concepts should be followed to write a student report regardless of topic or class. Following the basic concepts to write a student report will help you be successful and earn better grades.
1 Find out topic
Find out what topic will be covered in the student report. If you do not understand what the topic is about, the report will not be a success. Research, study, and understand the topic as much as possible before beginning the task.
2 Write an outline
Write an outline of the basic information from the topic. Review the outline. Number the information in order of importance. This will help you organize the information before beginning the actual report.
3 Write an introduction to the student report
Write an introduction to the student report. The introduction lets the reader know what topic will be discussed. A thesis sentence provides the reader with what information they will learn. A solid introductory paragraph tells the reader the basic concepts and ideas that will be discussed in the report.
4 Write a closing paragraph for the student report
Write a closing paragraph for the student report. In the closing paragraph, restate the basic concepts and ideas. Provide readers with a conclusion as to why the information they learned in the student report was important. Tell readers what they should have learned from reading the report.
5 Write the body
Write the body of the student report. Use one or two paragraphs to support each concept introduced in the introductory paragraph and summarized in the closing paragraph.
6 Fill in transitional sentences
Fill in transitional sentences between the paragraphs to make the report flow. Use a word or phrase from the last sentence of the preceding paragraph in the following paragraph to improve flow.
7 Set the student report aside for a few hours
Set the student report aside for a few hours. Read the student report out loud. Fill in any areas that are awkward or need more explanation.
8 Check the student report for grammar
Check the student report for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Correct any mistakes.
9 Read the student report
Read the student report one final time. Make any required changes. Repeat this step until you are happy with how the report is written.