Roles of Students in Classroom Management

It is the teacher's job to formulate a classroom management plan to facilitate the development of an effective learning environment. The student also has an obligation in the development of a quality learning environment. Following individual rules or expectations is just the beginning. In addition to complying with posted rules, students should be expected to show respect for self and others and meet all behavioral and academic expectations.
1 Comply With Behavioral Expectations

Students should strive to comply with all behavior expectations. Behavioral expectations that are verbally outlined and posted as part of the classroom management plan should be incorporated into each child's daily routine and life skill set. Each student deserves access to a quality educational environment, but unless each student endeavors to contribute to the development of that environment, that environment won't exist. A quality educational environment will exist if all students make an attempt to comply with all behavioral expectations.
2 Comply With Academic Expectations

It is imperative that students strive to comply with all academic expectations in the classroom. This is not only for the benefit of the individual student, but also for the benefit of the entire class. Collaborative learning environments, in the form of partner and group work, necessitate a contribution from each student. If students are striving to meet all academic expectations, they will prepare outside assignments and study so that they can make a viable contribution to a collaborative environment.
3 Show Respect

Showing respect for self and others is one of the most important things a student can do to contribute to a quality learning environment and reducing disciplinary distractions. Simple actions such as waiting until recognized before speaking and raising a hand before speaking demonstrate self-respect and respect for others. Being attentive, listening and refraining from interrupting when others are talking also demonstrate a respect for others. Showing respect for others will reduce disruptions in the classroom.
4 Don't Be Late

Being tardy to class can cause a major disruption for all students in the class and negatively impact the academic progress of the student who is tardy. When a student is tardy, he enters the classroom after instruction has begun, and the attention is drawn away from the teacher to the door when the student enters the class. Instruction is halted momentarily while the student finds his desk, settles in and the teacher catches the student up to the current point in the lesson. Additionally, information that was missed as a result of being tardy is not always completely conveyed in the catch-up period.