Learning Objectives for Second Grade English
26 SEP 2017

The learning objectives for second grade English help teachers design lesson plans to meet specific state standards, including reading comprehension, spelling and fluency. According to the website for the Sarah Smith Elementary School, in the Atlanta Public School district, children in second grade work less on learning to read than they did in kindergarten and first grade. Instead, second graders develop the skills to learn from the material that they read. State learning objectives vary from state to state.
1 Communication Skills
Second graders work to improve verbal communication. Listening and speaking skills are emphasized. Students begin to learn presentation skills through drama, choral reading, storytelling and other genres of literature. Posters, charts and other visual aids are used to assist children in presenting material. Students in second grade learn to verbally paraphrase information that has been read and understand multiple step directions.
Vocabulary Builder
2 Phonic Awareness and Spelling Skills
Second graders develop an appreciation of printed language and an increasing understanding of connections between sounds and letters. Phonic awareness increases as children use strategies designed to assist in decoding unrecognized printed words. Sight word identification leads to increased vocabulary. Visualization exercises help second graders with spelling new words. Common spelling generalizations are reiterated, such as the use of a “silent e” word ending and “i before e.”
3 Reading Skills
Reading fluency skills are emphasized throughout second grade, as students learn to read written words smoothly and free of hesitation. Children read grade-level appropriate text aloud with increasing accuracy and appropriate speed. Intonation and expression skills develop as second graders read from a variety of sources such as newspapers, online sources, magazines and textbooks.
4 Writing Skills
Second grade students begin learning to use punctuation correctly. Daily writing exercises help them learn to use written language for effective communication and handwriting exercises improve legibility. Students gather information to use during writing exercises and use graphic organizers to arrange important facts. Multiple written drafts help second graders improve writing and clarification skills, as additional details are added to a draft. Peer editing helps second grade students learn to recognize errors and suggest improvements on the work of others.
5 Comprehension Skills
Second grade students practice recalling important details and information from readings. Prediction activities teach students to use prior knowledge to guess what will happen next in a text. Second grade children begin showing interest in personal reading material and reading independently for enjoyment. They learn to read and comprehend grade-level appropriate texts.
- 1 Utah Education Network: 2nd Grade – Language Arts
- 2 Virginia Department of Education: English Standards of Learning
- 3 California Department of Education: English-Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools
- 4 National PTA: Parents’ Guide to Student Success
- 5 Georgia Department of Education: 2nd Grade English Language Arts Common Core Georgia Performance Standards