What Is the Meaning of Wooden Lucky Karma Beads?
29 SEP 2017

Modeled after Buddhist prayer beads, wooden karma bead bracelets were very popular during the late 1990s. Though many people wore them because they were fashionable, some purported that different colors of karma beads could bring certain elements into a person's life. The association between color and meaning is related to that of similarly colored stones.
1 Black and Silver/Gray
Black wooden karma beads mean power and success while gray or silver stand for happiness. They are associated with onyx and hematite, respectively.
2 Pink
Pink wooden karma beads mean love and friendship and are associated with rose quartz.
3 Blue
Blue wooden karma beads stand for peace and joy. They are paired with sodalite.
4 Orange and Brown
Orange wooden karma beads stand for empowerment and wisdom and are associated with carnelian stones. Brown wooden karma beads signify protection and balance and are paired with tiger's eye.
5 Green
Green wooden karma beads stand for wealth and good luck. They are paired with aventurine stones.
6 Purple
Purple wooden karma beads are associated with good health and inner strength and are associated with amethyst.