Tips on Writing a Subjective Paper

Subjective papers are those that are written without the use of verified facts or independent research. Instead, they are based primarily your thoughts, opinions and ideas, and interpret the topic from your unique perspective. These standards make it a more difficult assignment than an objective paper. There are a number of techniques that can help you complete the task.
1 Understanding the Assignment
Subjective essays are based on the writer's unique vision, so there is no need to use specific sources to support your viewpoint on the subject. The objective is to state your point of view in a clear and authoritative manner. As you write the piece, incorporate beginning phrases such as "I feel," "I believe," "in my opinion" and "I agree" to set off personal statements.
2 Choosing a Topic
Choosing an appropriate topic for a subjective essay can be a challenge. It is important to select a topic that has separate and distinct "sides" -- one of which you support. If you do not have strong feelings on the subject and wavier when you present your argument, you will have a hard time persuading the reader. For example, same-sex marriage might make a good topic. There are two strong opposing positions involved and you can interject your feelings into the assignment.
3 Organization
It is often easy to get off track when discussing your views on a topic so it is essential that you stay organized. Begin by writing an outline that contains the main points in the order you want to cover them. Decide how each paragraph will be used to advance your argument and be sure that it leads to a logical conclusion. An outline will help you stay focused and keep your thoughts organized.
4 Additional Tips
As with any assignment, planning and proofreading are very important. Allow ample time to complete the project. Waiting until the last minute is likely to prevent you from completing your best work. Also, be sure to carefully proofread your work multiple times and ask someone you trust to review it as well. Spelling, grammatical, or organizational errors will adversely affect your grade.