Tips for Students on Studying Human Anatomy

While students know the basics of the human body from a young age, they often do not learn about the lesser-known parts of under-skin structures until anatomy class. Learning human anatomy can be taxing, as the task requires learning a large array of complex words and facts. Although learning anatomy will never be something that everyone can do with ease, there are some things students can do to simplify the process and aid themselves in learning this information.
1 Divide Your Study
When delving into human anatomy, the sheer number of body parts there are to explore can seem overwhelming. To prevent yourself from becoming bogged down by these body parts, divide your study, either by part location or by function. As you divide the body parts you have to explore, you can better focus your study on each.
2 Focus on Images
Images, not words, often contain the most useful information when it comes to anatomy. If you are struggling to remember the location of body parts, review diagrams instead of looking over text again and again. These images often make anatomy more comprehensible. If you are truly struggling, consider blowing up a particularly useful image and placing it on your bedroom wall so you can review it regularly.
3 Reword Explanations
When written in technical speech, explanations of body functions can be unclear at best. If you are trying to learn how body parts work together but are getting confused by the technical language in which these explanations are written, reword them. Writing them out in your own language is a simple way to sort though the information and make it easier to understand.
4 Record Lectures
Much valuable information is conveyed through lecture. Create a reviewable copy of your teacher’s anatomy lectures by recording them. Ask your instructor's permission to record the lecture before you record. Once you have obtained permission, record with a digital recorder or old-fashioned tape recorder. Play these lectures back before your test to review the information.
5 Study Socially
Many students learn more effectively when they study in groups. If you are a social learner, don’t tackle the formidable task of studying alone. Instead, partner up with some fellow anatomy students and form a study group. Arrange meetings at which you can discuss recent lectures, review chapters you have read or go over information for upcoming tests. By joining together, you can help each other overcome any struggles you may be experiencing.