Elementary Student Organization Techniques
26 SEP 2017

Teachers can help improve organizational techniques of their elementary students by encouraging them to use tools such as study planners and color-coded homework folders. A clearly established classroom routine streamlines daily activities and responsibilities for students and teachers. Using visual and memory aids can also help students remember important due dates or assignments.
1 Study Planners
Study planners are good tools to help elementary children get organized. Teachers can instruct the class on how to write down assignments as they are given each day and to make special note of due dates. Some students may benefit from one-on-one instruction on how to use study planners. A daily class schedule placed in an easily accessible place can give students a visual reminder of daily responsibilities. Time management skills will improve as students learn to estimate how long to dedicate to each assignment as they write down important details.
2 Desks and Backpack
A designated time to clean desks each week can help improve organization skills for all elementary students. Teachers and students can work together to create a list of strategies for organizing desks, backpacks and other personal areas, and students can refer to these lists as needed. Reducing clutter by throwing away unused materials or old school supplies helps simplify organization for students and teachers. All personal supplies should be labeled to avoid confusion.
3 Establish a Routine
A classroom routine will help elementary students understand what is expected of them. Daily classroom maintenance routines, such as attendance or turning in homework, should ideally happen at the same time each day. Children are less likely to feel flustered or frustration when expectations are clear. Teachers should let students know exactly what is expected of them, especially during hectic transition times so students do not become overwhelmed.
4 Memory Aids
Memory aids are useful organizational tools for elementary students to help them complete assignments on time. Checklists can help students to keep track of what they have already finished and what needs to be done. Some students may find acronyms useful to remember what they need to do. Others may use items such as colorful sticky notes, paper clips or index cards to remember tasks and organize paperwork.