How to Study for the Spanish Regents

The Regents examinations are mandatory tests for all high school students in New York state. Students must score a 75 or higher on five standard tests to receive a “Regents' diploma.” Those tests are: Integrated Algebra (or Math A), Global History and Geography, U.S. History and Government, Comprehensive English, and any one science Regents exam. Students with significant disabilities are exempt from the exams. You can prepare for the Spanish Regents by using past published tests. These tests will give you a general idea of what to expect on your upcoming exam.
Talk to your Spanish instructor about areas where you need work. These could include listening comprehension, reading comprehension, sentence structure or spelling. All of these areas are covered on the exam.
Ask your instructor what you should focus on for part 1, the speaking portion of the exam. This portion takes place in the classroom before the scheduled exam. Practice what he or she advises at home with a family member or friend.
Buy the Barron’s Regents Spanish book. It is made specifically for New York State Regents exams and contains past tests and answers.

Utilize past tests published on the Internet if you don't have access to a book.
Write like subject-verb agreement and noun-adjective agreement sentence structures. This is a large portion of parts 2 through 4 on the Regents exam.
Practice organization and logical sequence of words. This is also a large portion of parts 2 through 4 on the Regents exam.
Review these areas to also prepare for part 5, the dictation portion of the exam. This portion of the test is where the teacher will speak to you in Spanish. You will respond by writing the answer on your exam in Spanish.
Take as many practice tests as you can. Go through them one question at a time. Don't move on to the next until you have a full understanding of the previous question.