Seventh Day Adventist Rules Regarding Sabbath
6 OCT 2017

One of the fundamental beliefs of Seventh-Day Adventists is Sabbath observance in accordance with the fourth commandment. Seventh-Day Adventists believe that entering into communion with God on the seventh day, is a "celebration of God's creative and redemptive acts," according to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church website. The Sabbath is observed from sunset on the sixth day to sunset on the seventh day of the week.
1 Home and Family Life
During the week, members of a Seventh-Day Adventist household will ensure that household tasks such as preparing meals and washing clothes are finished by sundown on Friday so that the next 24 hours can be devoted to fellowship with God and with the family, according to church guidelines. Sabbath activities include attending worship services, enjoying the noon Sabbath meal together, exploring nature and ministering to the community by visiting the sick or shut-in. Family activities on the Sabbath would not include secular television shows, movies, books and magazines.
2 Recreational Activities
In terms of recreation, proper Sabbath observance means not engaging in sports. While on vacation, Seventh-Day Adventists are encouraged to not engage in sightseeing on the Sabbath day. If in doubt as to whether a particular activity is in accordance with church guidelines, a Seventh-Day Adventist should ask whether or not the activity in question helps them understand the sacredness of the Sabbath day.
3 Work and Commerce
Seventh-Day Adventists should avoid engaging in secular employment on the Sabbath wherever possible. This means planning work hours so it is not necessary to work during the Sabbath period of sunset Friday to sunset Saturday. Seventh-Day Adventists are also advised to refrain from shopping or eating out in restaurants on the Sabbath. During the week, careful planning should be done to ensure that any items that might be needed are purchased prior to the start of the Sabbath. With respect to traveling on the Sabbath, travel that is not directly related to engaging in a Sabbath activity, such as driving to and from church, is discouraged.