Persuasive Essay Topics on Study Hall

Persuasive essays require writers to establish a clear fact-based position based on gathered research and evidence. While study hall may seem like a fairly innocuous topic, the pros and cons of this nonacademic school period are taken seriously by school administrators. When choosing this topic, pick a side and make sure the statistics and expert opinions back up your point.
1 Pro Theme
The pro position needs to include solid reasoning that points to why and how students benefit from this free period. Specifically, include what students can do in study hall and how this can impact their overall education. Positive ways students use this time include preparing for their next classes, completing homework and meeting with teachers for extra help. Sub-topics that go into greater detail may focus on one particular benefit of study hall. For example, on average students in ninth through 12th grades spend 6.8 hours a week doing homework outside of school, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. Study hall can help students cut down on this time.
2 Negative Approach
On the flip side, a negative take on the debate should include the potential drawbacks to this free academic time. For example, students may view study hall as a time to socialize, sleep or text their friends. Some schools may even offer structured study halls for students who regularly misbehave and can't control themselves in the traditional type of free period. Another topic to consider is the logistical aspect of study hall. Researchers at the University of Notre Dame showed that faculty member oversight and location can impact the effectiveness of study hall. If the study hall isn't well supervised or takes place in a more recreational area -- such as the gym -- it may mean more socializing and less academics.