How to Make Your Relationship Go Back to the Way It Used to Be

Love is an awesome feeling -- the beginning of a relationship is particularly exciting. As time goes on, however, courtship can become a struggle. Real personalities emerge and conflicts erupt. But by spending time together and learning to handle conflict, it is possible to rekindle the spark in a relationship.
1 Learn To Handle Conflict
When relationships are good, there isn't much fighting between partners. But as time goes on, conflict can become a problem. But couples can come to mutually satisfying solutions together. Instead of seeing each other as enemies, it is important to have a team approach. Listen while the other person talks. If each partner shares their needs, conflict will lessen.
2 Walk Down Memory Lane
Another way to make your relationship fun again is to talk about how you two started out, according to psychologist Barbara Markway in her article, "A Simple Way to Put the Spark Back in Your Relationship" on Psychology Today's website. This can help take down the wall separating you and your partner. Remembering the good times can remind you of the great things you have going. It can also provide you with hope and motivation. Talking about the good times will prompt you to remember why you love each other. In no time, you will want to put in the effort to rebuild your relationship.
3 Quality Time
In order to rebuild your relationship, both partners should commit to spending quality time together on a regular basis, according to the article, "Relationship Help" on Everyone's life is busy, but even taking a few minutes helps reconnect the two of you. Find something you both like doing together. It could be watching a TV show, playing a game or hanging out with mutual friends. You could even try something new together. It could be as simple as going on a hike or a bike ride.
4 Discover Your Love Languages
In the beginning of a relationship, it is easy to feel in love. But when the relationship matures, partners can feel distant. In his book, "The 5 Love Languages," relationship counselor Gary Chapman suggests that each person determine their partner's "love language." The five primary ways people prefer to give and receive love are: words of love, physical touch, acts of service, giving of gifts and spending time together. Learning your partner's love language enables you to change your behaviors. It can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other. This will help rebuild a relationship.