King Hezekiah Sunday School Crafts
29 SEP 2017

King Hezekiah tried to undo the damage his ancestors did by bringing idolatry into Judah. He tore down the altars and temples of the false gods and destroyed the idols. Sunday school lessons about King Hezekiah can focus on how much he tried to do to return Judah to the worship of Yahweh. Crafts help Sunday school students remember the lessons they hear in class.
1 Cleansing the Temple
One of Hezekiah’s first projects was to reopen the house of the Lord and destroy the places where people worshiped false gods. The priests and Levites went to the temple and cleaned up the trash, swept the floors, washed the altar and cleaned the utensils. Younger children can make a diorama of the temple court where the priests brought the trash so the Levites could carry it to the trash heap. Older children can take broom straw and bind it around a pole to make a broom. The craft reminds the students to keep the temple of their heart clean for worshiping God.
2 Joyous Worship
After the temple was clean, King Hezekiah led the people in celebration. They rejoiced that they could worship God as God had directed them through Moses. The people rejoiced with dancing and instruments. Have young children string bells on cord that they can use as dancing bells. Older children can make drums from decorated oatmeal boxes or coffee cans. Some children could make tambourines using sturdy paper plates and bells. The crafts remind the students to worship God with joy and thanksgiving.
3 Trusting God's Provision
When King Sennacherib of Assyria came against Judah, God told Hezekiah not to worry about provisioning. He told the king to tell the people not to plant crops for two years, but to eat what the land produced without farming. On the third year they were to plant new crops and vineyards. These crops represented the righteous people who would bear fruit for God. Have the children decorate pots with pictures of growing plants and the affirmation “I bear fruit for God.” Provide dirt and seeds for the children to plant that symbolize putting down roots to bear good fruit.
4 The Battle Is the Lord's
In 2 Kings 19:32-37 and 2 Chronicles 32:1-22, King Sennacherib brings his army against Jerusalem and taunts the people about the lands he has conquered and how their gods were powerless to stop him. God declares that God will defeat Sennacherib without the people's having to fight. God sends an angel to kill many of the enemy warriors overnight and drive the invaders to return home. Have elementary children create celebration banners using dowels, cloth flags and markers, proclaiming, “God defends those who follow God!"
- 1 Bible Gateway: 2 Kings 18:1-7; New Century Version; Thomas Nelson; 2005
- 2 Bible Gateway: 2 Chronicles 29:1-36; New Century Version; Thomas Nelson; 2005
- 3 Bible Gateway: 2 Kings 19:29-30; New Century Version; Thomas Nelson; 2005
- 4 Bible Gateway: 2 Kings 19:32-37; New Century Version; Thomas Nelson; 2005
- 5 Bible Gateway: 2 Chronicles 32:1-22; New Century Version; Thomas Nelson; 2005