Important Contributions Teachers Can Make to Education

Don't discount the impact that a single teacher can make on the process of education. Educators are integral to the success and continued growth of our standard system of schooling. By working daily to educate America’s youths and making continued modifications to their practices to become more effective, teachers ensure their students receive a quality education that prepares them for the future.
1 Passion
It is the individual educator's passion that keeps the educational process running smoothly and productively. High quality teaching requires the drive and desire to effectively educate students and make a difference in the world. Without this passion, the educational process would not be nearly as effective and the lessons taught not as masterfully learned.
2 Commitment
Teaching can be a difficult and thankless job. Some teachers stick to their their job even in difficult times because of their commitment to the task of educating students. Were it not for this commitment, students would not have the benefit of learning from seasoned teachers, but would instead be taught by freshly minted teachers who lack the same degree of experience.
3 Promotion
Teachers commonly champion education and promote the importance of education to others in the community. They extol the virtues of quality schooling and encourage others to make financial commitments to improving the schools. This promotion helps ensure schools maintain the funding necessary to operate effectively.
4 Individualization
Not all students learn the same. Teachers individualize the educational process. Experienced educators modify lessons to tailor them to students' needs. Without teachers making such adjustments, lessons would be one size fits all.
5 Innovation
Teachers, who work on the educational front lines, are commonly the ones to develop the most innovative teaching practices. Though nonteachers can develop techniques or products for educational use, these outside innovators lack the experience necessary to make the techniques supremely effective. By making their innovations a direct response to student needs, teachers can ensure that the newly developed practice or procedure is educationally sound.