Early Childhood Educators Code of Ethics

Because educators work with impressionable children, a code of ethics provides protection and nets a safe environment for young students. The guiding philosophy behind a code of ethics is principles that inform educators the best way to act in certain situations where children are present.
1 Purpose
The establishment of a code of ethics in an elementary education setting insures the safety and protection of young students. A code of ethics establishes a teacher's work ethic, and intertwines caring and compassion with a teacher’s methodology. Under this code of ethics, educational practitioners pay special attention to a child's social and emotional development, which includes learned behaviors of independence and increased self-esteem.
2 Methods
Under a code of ethics, teachers implement curriculums that adapt to children’s current developmental needs. Teachers make an assessment of their students' cognitive, social, and emotional strengths and weaknesses. They also adjust teaching methods to cater to specific cultural backgrounds. After teachers make that assessment, they adjust their teaching methodologies accordingly. The guiding principles established under a code of ethics ensure that these students' needs are met.
3 Benefits
The principles behind a code of ethics illustrate the need to place young students in caring and warm environments. In such environments, students take a vested interest in their education, and improve in both verbal and non-verbal communication. Students also learn appropriate ways to express emotion. When teachers show a genuine interest in the student, the student successfully responds to teaching.
4 Features
A code of ethics includes a communal effort with parents and other caregivers. Educators develop a good rapport with parents by establishing lines of communication, and exercising a respect for specific cultural backgrounds. Teachers also encourage any help from parents that ensures a child's success. Teachers include the help of the parent when creating an educational plan for the child. This results in a successful planning design, and establishes trust with the parent.
5 Potential
A code of ethics increases the potential of learning opportunities for parents, teachers and the child. Teachers pursue more training and workshops to increase their knowledge of child development, and to broaden their philosophy of education. These principles encourage teachers to remain objective about personal values and beliefs. This motivates teachers to improve themselves, thereby providing a positive influence for students, and facilitating a positive teaching atmosphere.