How to Use Metal Cuticle Pushers

If you and your friends enjoy want your nails to be constantly maintained, you probably don't want to spend a ton of cash on disposable nail tools. Wooden cuticle pushers aren't very expensive, but the cost of them can add up fast. Metal cuticle pushers last much longer, so you'll rarely need to replace them. Unfortunately, they're also tougher on your nails and cuticles than the wooden variety. Before using the tool, it's smart to prep your cuticles with a quick manicure.
Remove old nail polish, if you're wearing any, with a cotton swab dipped in nail-polish remover.
Use a file to smooth out the tips of your nails. File the tips flat on top and slightly round the edges.
Soak your fingertips in a bowl of warm, soapy water for several minutes. This helps soften your cuticles.
Massage a small drop of cuticle cream into your nails and cuticles. Let the cream soak in for one to two minutes.
Hold the metal cuticle pusher in your hand like you would hold a pencil. Press the scooped, spoon-like end of the tool against your cuticle gently. Push the cuticle back as much as you'd like. Be gentle -- if you press down too hard, you may injure yourself or damage your nail. Repeat this for the rest of your cuticles.
Wipe your nails off with a cloth to clean off excess cuticle cream. If desired, apply clear nail polish. It will protect your nails and make them look shiny.
- If the tip of your cuticle pusher is too sharp, rub an emery board over it to dull it.
- When painting your nails, apply a clear top coat first, then let it dry. Add colored polish on top of that layer, then seal the color with another layer of clear polish.
- Properly sanitize your cuticle pusher after every use, especially if you allow other people to use it.