How to Read Korean Faster
29 SEP 2017

The Korean language is a beautiful Asian language that employs tone as a major factor in its interpretation. While Korean is beautiful to listen to, learning Hangeul, the Korean script, may seem confusing to the vast majority of language students, as it is one of the only languages that utilizes pictures or symbols.
1 Memorize the alphabet
Memorize the alphabet. Just like any other language, the alphabet is the foundation of reading and word recognition. The Korean alphabet only consists of 14 consonants and 10 vowels. You should memorize the alphabet first so you can increase the pace at which you recognize both letters and words.
2 Make flashcards
Make flashcards. As you begin to get a little more comfortable with letters and words, you should make flashcards of both letters and sample words. You will thus increase the speed in which you recognize words, which will consequentially speed up your ability to read.
3 Practice reading Korean daily
Practice reading Korean daily. If Korean is not your native language, just like all foreign language learners, you must practice to gain an edge on your ability to learn and absorb information. Reading material in Korean is available on the Internet. If you live in an area with Asian markets, visit Korean markets where Korean writing is visible on signs and items. This will enhance your ability to read Korean at a faster pace.
4 Join a foreign language center
Join a foreign language center. Check your area for any foreign language classes or centers that teach Korean. Not only are these centers for beginners, but they also assist intermediate or advanced students in aspects of language including reading and writing. Moreover, language center will give you the opportunity to obtain the proper guidance from a language professional who can address any areas of Hangeul that you may not understand.