How to Pray the Episcopal Rosary
29 SEP 2017

The Episcopal, or Anglican Rosary stems from other religious prayer traditions, particularly the Roman Catholic Rosary and the Orthodox Jesus Prayer Ropes. Islamic, Buddhist and Hindu traditions also use objects to count and track prayers, and Jews practice counting prayers. While the Catholic Rosary has 59 beads, the Episcopal Rosary includes 33 beads, symbolizing the years that Jesus lived on Earth. They are divided into four sets of seven beads, representing the days of the week, plus one beginning bead called the invitatory bead, and four colored beads that separate the sections, called cruciform beads.
Unlike other denominations, the Episcopal Rosary does not require a specific prayer. Instead, you may choose the prayer. For inspiration for your choice or prayers, read through the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible, particularly the Psalms and the hymn book. You may choose a prayer, Bible verse or even a church hymn that holds meaning to you. Some people choose the Lord's Prayer, while others look to lesser-known ones, either classic or contemporary.
Hold the cross with one hand, and loosely hold the beads in the other. You may choose to recite your prayer while grasping the cross.
Move your fingers to the invitatory bead, and hold it between your thumb and finger. Recite the prayer you chose.
Move your fingers to the right to the first cruciform bead; you will be moving in a counterclockwise direction around your rosary. Recite the prayer, scripture or hymn you chose. Move your fingers to the first bead in the section of four, and repeat your prayer. Repeat the process for each of the four beads in the first section.
Move your fingers to the right, to grasp the next cruciform bead. Repeat your prayer.
Repeat the process until you have made a complete circle through your rosary three times. You will have said 99 prayers, or 100 if you said a prayer while holding the cross in the beginning.
Sit in quiet reflection after you complete your recitation of the rosary.