What Is a Catholic Rosary Service?
29 SEP 2017

A rosary service is a group prayer and a customary part of a Catholic vigil before a funeral. Depending on the parish, it can also take place weekly or monthly, especially during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
1 Content of the Rosary Service
The rosary is a prayer based on the Gospels of the New Testament. It is divided into sections called decades, and each one consists of 10 repetitions of the Hail Mary prayer. A recitation of the Our Father prayer precedes each of the decades, which celebrate different aspects of Christ's life and death and are also referred to as mysteries. The repetitive nature of the rosary is meant to assist individuals and groups with meditative prayer.
2 The Mysteries
There are four sets of mysteries. The set used depends on the day of the week and the season. The Joyful Mysteries are related to Jesus' birth and early life; the Sorrowful Mysteries are related to Jesus' death; and the Glorious and Luminous Mysteries are devoted to miracles and special events included in the Gospels.