How to Pay for a Cremation Without Insurance
29 SEP 2017

The Federal Trade Commission has regulations for funerals and burials. The rules protect individuals from unfair burial expenses, such as a cremation service provider imposing the cost of embalming service on a family that does not want a viewing prior to cremation.
Nationwide, families without insurance are held responsible for paying for cremation services for a deceased loved one. These families must rely on help from the community and government agencies--including the county treasurer's office, the Social Security Administration, online sources, family and friends in the community and a local news station--to obtain help with cremation service fees.
1 Call your local city county building
Call your local city county building or county treasurer’s office and ask to speak with a representative who can inform you how to apply for assistance for cremation services. Most counties will pay for cremation if a family meets low household income criteria.
2 Contact the Social Security Administration
Contact the Social Security Administration to see if the deceased meets eligibility requirements. The Social Security survivor’s benefits program pays a $255 “death benefit” to a surviving spouse who lived with the deceased member or a surviving child of the deceased member - if there is no surviving spouse.
3 Call your local funeral
Call your local funeral or memorial society. This type of agency is usually a nonprofit organization which will give you advice on how to pay for cremation services without insurance.
4 Call your state's
Call your state's Medicaid plan to identify if any funds for burial had been set aside for the deceased. Under the Medicaid program, an individual may set aside money for burial without the money counting toward the individual's assets. This is important because an individual's number of assets affects his eligibility for long-term care and Medicaid.
5 Apply for assistance
Apply for assistance with payment of cremation fees on Go to the website, click on the tab that reads "Apply for Help" at the top of the screen then log in to complete an application.
6 Shop online for cremation urns
Shop online for cremation urns. Some websites offer up to 80 percent off of retail prices for cremation urns, which provides you with a healthy savings. According to, most crematories place cremains in cardboard boxes.
Contact friends and families in your community. Ask if they can make donations to help you pay for the costs associated with cremation. You can also distribute flyers in small community shops to announce that you are in need of donations. Friends and family members who respond to you can assist you with fundraising activities for the cremation service, such as selling simple homemade food such as barbecue, chicken or polish sausages with beverages.