Greek Myth of Creation vs. The Bible Creation Theory

Greek mythology and the Bible credit the supernatural for creation.
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Greek mythology and the Bible’s story of creation have some small parallels, but most of the specific details differ. Both agree that the world was without form or life, in a state of chaos, until divine intervention brought structure to the universe. Greek mythology writers believed that multiple supernatural beings, or gods, played specific roles in the creation of the world and humankind. Authors of the Bible credit one supernatural being, God, with the creation of the world and its inhabitants.

1 Greek Legend: Creation of the Universe

Greek mythology centers around the involvement that multiple gods played in the creation of the universe. Authors of Greek myths believed Gaea, or Mother Earth, created the mountains, valleys, lakes, rivers and seas. The leader of the underworld, Tartarus, built his home beneath Gaea’s creation. The two joined forces and designed Typhoeus, a multi-headed fire-breathing dragon -- the world’s primary antagonist. Eros represented love and was the most attractive of the gods. His powers were invincible. Erebus symbolized dark silence, and Nyx was responsible for the night. Eros, Erebus and Nyx united and created Aether, the atmosphere, and Hemera, the day.

2 Bible Theory: Creation in Six Days

Authors of the Bible believed the universe was created in six days, and on the seventh day the supernatural creator God rested. Each day represented a specific development that brought structure to the lifeless void. On day one God created the heavens and the earth, and day and night; on day two he separated the waters and created the sky; on day three he created land and vegetation; on day four he designed the stars, sun and moon; on day five he created living creatures that fly in the air and live in the water; and on day six, he created land animals, man and woman.

3 Greek Myth on Creation of Immortals

According to Greek legend, the gods decided the universe needed inhabitants and gave brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus the task of creating mortals. Prometheus was wise and resourceful, but Epimetheus was impulsive. Epimetheus used the gods’ provisions to design creatures with claws, wings and strength. Prometheus crafted man out of clay and gave him a physical appearance similar to the gods. Because Epimetheus had used up all the supernatural resources, man was left weak and naked, without supernatural powers or skills. Prometheus stole fire from Zeus to help his struggling creation craft tools, grow crops and make weapons for survival against Epimetheus’s beasts.

4 Biblical View on the Creation of Man and Woman

In Genesis, the author details how God made Adam from the dirt of the earth, and woman from the rib of man as he slept. Even though both were created on the sixth day, Eve was created after Adam. The companions lived in the Garden of Eden, a beautiful paradise where no danger could befall them, and they had authority to rule the animals. Eve eventually ate fruit from the tree God had forbidden and convinced Adam to do the same. As a result of their sin and disobedience, they were banished from the garden and lost their immortality. They were forced to work the land, labor for survival and withstand the pain of childbirth.

As curriculum developer and educator, Kristine Tucker has enjoyed the plethora of English assignments she's read (and graded!) over the years. Her experiences as vice-president of an energy consulting firm have given her the opportunity to explore business writing and HR. Tucker has a BA and holds Ohio teaching credentials.
