Greek Mythology Gods With 100 Arms & Legs

Greek mythology is filled with the drama of gods and men. However, monsters are prominent in many of the well-known myths, including creatures known as the Hecantonchires. These creatures were so terrifying to look upon, they were imprisoned in the bowels of the earth.
1 The Hecantonchires
According to Greek mythology, Gaia, also known as Mother Earth, gave birth alone to Uranus, the starry sky. Gaia then took Uranus as her husband, and their union brought forth monstrous children. The first set of immortal children they produced were three giants, known as the Hecantonchires. Each of the giants had 50 heads and 50 arms protruding from each shoulder.
2 Imprisonment in Tartarus
Gaia had other children known as the Cyclopes. They were one-eyed giants. The Hecantonchires and Cyclopes were terrifying creatures with enormous strength. Uranus detested their monstrous appearance and was so fearful of his children that he bound them and threw them into the pit of Tartarus, in the bowels of earth, where he kept them imprisoned.
3 Battle of the Titans and Olympians
Gaia had more children known as the Titans. The Titans had children known as the Olympians. Gaia conspired with Zeus, the youngest of the Olympians, to free her children from Tartarus. A battled waged between the Olympians and the Titans. Zesus descended to Tartarus to free the Hecatonchires and Cyclopes, and enlisted their help to fight against the Titans. Grateful for their freedom, the Hecantonchires and Cyclopes fought alongside Zeus and the Olympians and helped defeat their Titan siblings.