Etiquette on How to Address State Assembly Members

Representatives in the state assembly usually have a close relationship with members of their district. People have a greater chance of coming in contact with a member of the state assembly than a U.S. Representative. Regardless of the level of government, addressing an elected official can be confusing. There is an abundance of available titles from which to choose. The proper manner of addressing a state assembly member depends upon the situation.
1 Writing
Whether writing an email or letter, the salutations are the same. Greet the assembly member as, “Dear Mr. /Ms.” For letters, address the envelope to the “Honorable (full name)”.
2 In Person
State Assembly members usually receive the title of “Mister” or “Miss,” respectively. When introducing the representative, the proper form is, “Mr. /Ms., who is a member of the State Assembly.” It is also proper, after introductions, to subsequently refer to the politician as “Assembly Member,” or “Assemblyman/Assemblywoman,” as a sign of respect.