How to Deal With Someone When You're Aggravated & Annoyed

Anger can be a powerfully intense emotion. Not everyone knows how to manage these negative feelings, but you can learn effective strategies to change the outcome. The anger that fuels aggravation can seem overwhelming, but you can manage your emotions and how you respond to others.
1 Who's in Your Driver's Seat?
When you feel aggravated and annoyed, it’s easy for anger to influence what you say and do. When anger takes the driver’s seat, you may yell, use inappropriate language and throw things. You can change by becoming aware of your feelings and thoughts, recommends the article, “How Can I Deal With My Anger?” Self-awareness helps you to manage intense emotions such as anger. A toddler who throws a tantrum is simply acting on his emotions with no self-awareness about the angry feelings. Recognize your anger when you feel aggravated and annoyed. Determine what you feel annoyed about and why you feel that way.
2 Wait a Few Moments
Respond to the person you are interacting with after giving yourself a few moments to consider. When you feel aggravated and annoyed, the first response that pops into your head may not produce a good outcome. The extra time lets you monitor your anger and maintain self-control. For example, if your teacher asks you to correct an essay for homework, and you previously made special plans for with your girlfriend, stop to think about how you might respond before answering. Choose the response that will have most positive long-term outcome for you.
3 Give Your Ears a Workout
Listening is an integral part of good communication, but it can be quickly derailed by anger. Feeling annoyed and aggravated may influence you to talk more than you listen, but you don’t have to fall into that trap. Exercising self-awareness and self-control makes listening easier to accomplish. The reward for good listening is that you increase the likelihood that the other person will demonstrate the same courtesy for you, according to the Kids Health article, “5 Ways to (Respectfully) Disagree.”
4 Kicking Back
It’s OK to occasionally feel angry, annoyed and aggravated. However, if these feelings regularly shape your mood and well-being, consider daily calming strategies. For example, go for a walk, exercise in the gym, listen to music or throw a football with friends. Set aside regular down time that you enjoy alone or with a friend. Write about your feelings in a journal. Feelings can appear more manageable when you can see them on paper and they aren’t trapped in your head.