Solutions to Misbehavior in the Classroom
7 AUG 2017

Misbehavior in the classroom disrupts students' attention and negatively impacts the learning environment. To ensure the best educational experience possible, teachers must master the art of classroom management. Although this is a challenge for certain teachers, with enough practice, you will find there are solutions to misbehavior in even the most difficult students.
1 Monitor Your Students Closely
Students who feel they are in the presence of an alert educator are less likely to misbehave than those who assume they are not being watched. The Honor Level System recommends the teacher constantly circulate throughout the classroom to check on students' progress and give quiet suggestions in the event anyone is struggling with their work. This keeps children focused on the task at hand and keeps them from falling victim to distractions that cause misbehavior.
2 Model Appropriate Behavior
As a teacher, be careful not to send students mixed messages about the behavior you expect from them. If you are impatient, quick to anger and inconsiderate of your students' feelings, it is unlikely the class will demonstrate the positive behaviors you ask of them. Set a positive example by showing high levels of patience, organization, courtesy and enthusiasm. If you expect the children to use quiet "inside" voices, you must speak at that volume as well.
3 Have Regular Class Meetings
If multiple members of a classroom are struggling with the same problems or if a particular issue gets out of hand, call a classroom meeting. Make it clear what is unacceptable about the students' behavior and why. Ask the class for suggestions on ways to improve the situation and to keep it from coming up again. This gives students a chance to participate in the problem-solving process and contribute their own ideas on how to stop misbehavior from happening.
4 Stay Calm
When a student misbehaves, it might seem natural to react negatively or show your frustration. Instead of giving in to your agitation, take a deep breath and try to handle the situation as calmly as possible. If you attempt to put a stop to misbehavior in an angry state, your decision-making will suffer, and you will only pass your negative feelings to other students who will easily sense your lack of control.
5 Use Nonverbal Cues
Create nonverbal reminders to let your students know you need their attention. Flip light switches, ring a bell or come up with hand signals that alert your students to quiet down instead of raising your voice to settle commotion. Discuss these cues with your class before you implement them so students know exactly what they mean and how they should respond to them.