Children's Spiritual Lessons With Flowers

The Book of Romans states unequivocally that God's eternal power and divine nature can be clearly seen and understood from what has been made (Romans 1:20). Flowers, as part of His creation, hold a great deal of insight for children's spiritual lessons. Flowers can teach of the principles of the Christian life--from first creation, to Jesus' admonition to be worry-free like the lilies of the field, to life applications about the difference between authentic and fake religion, and the Christian's duty to sow the seed of the gospel wherever he goes. Flowers are familiar to children, who will easily understand such spiritual lessons.
1 Real or Fake
Place two flowers of the same type in similar vases with water, one artificial and one real. Ask the children whether they notice any difference between the two flowers, and how they distinguish between fake and real. Pass the flowers around and let the children feel and smell them, explaining that signs tell us when something is fake and when it is real.
Just as real flowers give off a wonderful scent for everyone to enjoy, real Christians are supposed to give off an aroma of Christ in their relationships with others. Some people merely go through the motions of being a Christian and give no sign of their Christianity beyond the church doors, but those who are truly filled with Christ are "pleasing to God and a blessing to others," according to Kids Sunday School Place.
2 Dandelion Sowers
Pick some dandelion puffs out of your yard and show them to the children. Explain that dandelions multiply when their seeds are spread far and wide by the wind. Blow the puff and watch the seeds float away. Read Mark 4:14-20 and tell the children that sometimes the dandelion seed falls on good soil where it grows and produces more dandelions, but sometimes it falls on hard, weed-infested or rocky soil where it does not grow well. You might not know where the seed will fall or what will happen to it.
In the same way, you are the wind that Jesus sends out to plant the seeds of His Gospel. Some people are happy to hear the message and the seed finds good ground, but some people doubt or reject His good news. God tells you not to to lose heart when this happens because you never know where your seed lands and the effect it will have in the long term on those who hear it.
Read 1 Corinthians 3:4-9. Pass out dandelion puffs to the children and pray with them that they will carry the Gospel of Christ far and wide. Ask them to name one person in whom they can plant seeds of faith, and blow on their puff.
3 Lilies of the Field
Ask the children what kinds of things people worry about. Discuss whether worrying is productive. Explain that not only does it not solve the problem, but that health and relationship problems result when someone is a chronic worrier.
Read Matthew 6:25-31 and note how Jesus tells people that they do not need to worry because He cares for them more than the lilies of the field, which never work yet have all they need. Pass out a flower to each child while you explain that we appreciate a flower for its beauty. We are the flowers in God's garden and He will meet all our needs. Tell the children to take their flowers home to remind them that they are beautiful in God's eyes and can trust in His care without worrying.
4 Creation Day Three
Bring in a bouquet of many kinds and colors of flowers. Read the account of God's creation of flowers, trees and plants in Genesis 1:9-13. Pass out the flowers and have each child call out her color. Ask why God made so many beautiful colors of flowers. Show pictures of how people use flowers--bouquets, weddings, corsages, gardens.
Explain that just like God made many flower colors for different uses, He made many kinds of people with different talents and gifts to be used for Him. God does not favor only red flowers, for example. Nor does He love only people with certain talents, but he gives each person his own gift mix to use in harmony with others for the greater good of His kingdom. You should not look down on others who are different, because they are the way God made them. All people are valuable in His sight, and we need to remember to value one another as God does. Close with reading 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.