Can Infatuation Become Love?

You see her from across the room and a spark of electricity spikes through your brain. If the initial attraction that is drawing you toward that special someone feels more like infatuation than deep commitment, that doesn't necessarily mean your relationship won't eventually turn into true love. Although not every infatuation will transition into a more mature romance, understanding how and why some can will help you move your relationship in the right direction.
1 The Main Attraction
Attraction is the initial feeling that two people have for each other before they develop the closeness and commitment necessary for an enduring relationship, according to the article "Love and Romance" on the TeensHealth website. An initial infatuation typically revolves around the chemistry -- or physical attraction -- between two people. For example, if you can't stop thinking about the cute guy in your bio lab, it is probably more attraction than love. This first stage in the relationship process may end with infatuation -- or bloom into a relationship.
2 Quick Confusion
Early in a relationship it is difficult to separate infatuation from love. The intense emotions that you feel may seem like love. It is possible that the electricity of attraction blinds you to the reality of the relationship: Instead of a mature love, you may have a simple crush on your hands. Feeling confused or uncertain is common, and means only that you are smitten. Your next step is to see where the relationship will take you.
3 Taking Time
While love at first sight isn't out of the question, falling for someone over time is more the norm. Taking the time to get to know the other person -- and letting him get to know you -- can turn attraction into intimacy, according to psychotherapist Samuel Lopez De Victoria in his article "True Love: How Do You Know?" on the PsychCentral website. As you get to know your boyfriend and begin sharing secrets, hopes and dreams, the two of you can grow closer in an emotional way. Although infatuation can happen immediately, the closeness that a committed relationship -- or love -- requires, may take months or even years.
4 Commitment Issues
An intense infatuation lacks the closeness and commitment necessary for a relationship. Instead of jumping in head first, both you and your crush need to work on developing your relationship and building commitment. The article "Love and Romance" on the TeensHealth website notes that promising to stay with your potential partner through thick and thin can lead to a committed relationship. If you can take your initial infatuation and commit yourself to your crush, the two of you can build a loving relationship.