Buddhist Crafts for Kids
29 SEP 2017

Buddhism was founded in India in the 6th Century B.C. by Siddhartha Gautama. It is now the fourth largest religion in the world. If you want to teach your children about Buddhism, a good way to do it is by making crafts. Your children will learn about Buddhist beliefs and also develop their creativity when making crafts.
1 Lotus Flower Crafts
In Buddhism, the lotus flower symbolizes spiritual growth and enlightenment. Kids can make many crafts using lotus flowers and can make the flowers as well. If you have real lotus flowers, kids can dry them in between the pages of a book, then use them to decorate journals, cards or notebooks. Children can also make paper lotus flowers or origami lotus and have them float on water. Egg cartons can also be used to make a lotus flower. Trim the edges of the egg cup to look like flowers, paint it, then add more petals made from card stock paper. Curl the petals with a pair of scissors.
2 Wheel of Life Crafts
The wheel of life symbolizes Buddha’s teachings. The eight spokes are to remind people of the eight ways of life. Children can also make crafts with the wheel of life. Print templates of the wheel of life and have the children color it. They can also make their own wheels with card stock. Kids can also make a wheel out of homemade play dough. Use 1 cup of salt, 1 1/2 cups of flour, 1/2 cup of water and 2 tbsp. of oil to make the dough.