Reasons for Obeying Rules at School
27 JUN 2018

School rules might be out for summer vacation. When students are at school to learn or on school property, the rules need to in effect. These academic and safety rules help keep the setting safe and welcoming for all everyone. School rules can include being careful, maintaining academic reputations or just exercising basic respect for authority and peers. Whether you're in college, high school, middle school or elementary school, your school likely has a list of rules you are expected to follow while in attendance. These rules may encompass behavior on campus, policies on tardiness and personal appearance. Whether or not you actually like to obey rules, it's important you follow the policies of your educational institution as closely as possible. Some rules may not have long-term or serious ramifications. More serious consequences can include detention, demerits, suspensions and even expulsion.
1 Personal Safety
Rules are intended to protect you. Specific rules, such as "Don't go into the boiler room" or "No students allowed on campus after dark" are written to protect against dangers. When you follow the rules at school, you demonstrate an awareness of the rules and show you believe your personal safety is important. Taking risks with your personal safety on the school campus can have dangerous consequences for your personally but also creates a liability for school administration. Safety rules are not arbitrarily written. Just as a hot stove is hands-off for a child, making sure you follow campus safety rules can keep you from getting burned by potentially dangerous settings.
2 Peer Consideration
In addition to self-preservation, obedience to school policies and procedures shows that you respect your peers and consider their personal safety to be of the utmost importance. Obedience also demonstrates you believe the education of your peers is vital to their future well-being. For example, rules governing your appearance are designed to minimize classroom distractions. When you dress in a manner that doesn't draw undue attention to yourself, it allows your classmates to focus on their studies instead of your clothing. When you exercise self-control and respect for your peers, the community atmosphere is better for everyone.
3 Academic Reputation
Sometimes, rules are a burden to obey. Rules may occasionally seem unimportant or useless, but it's important to obey the rules even if you feel they're unnecessary. Even if you think no one notices or appreciates your good behavior, rest assured your instructors do notice when you follow the rules and they appreciate it. Obedience to the rules at school improves your relationships with your teachers and demonstrates that you care about your education. Showing you respect the academic rules of the campus like "no cheating" helps build a trust with your teachers. By maintaining a strong academic reputation, your teachers also know you are serious about learning.
4 Respect for Authority
When you follow the rules at school, you show that you understand the importance of rules and you respect the governing authority. We are faced with numerous rules not only in school but in daily life, and obedience to those rules shows we care about those who create the rules, whether it be a principal, teacher or police officer. Obedience to school rules also shows your teachers and principal you trust their decisions even if you don't understand the purpose behind a specific rule.