How to Write a Reflection About Your Own Interview

Writing a reflection of your last interview may help you obtain a college acceptance or job offer the next time around. Prepare for a future interview by determining your strengths and weaknesses. Write a journal so you may look at yourself objectively and make a plan for improvement. Be aware that the reflection is an account of your thoughts and ideas and is written solely for your own benefit.
Purchase a notebook or loose-leaf paper for the journal. Put the date, time and place on the first line. Record what actually took place in the interview. Write in the first person. Describe as many details as you can bring to mind, starting with how you greeted the interviewer upon entrance.
Record your feelings as the interview progressed. Write if you were at ease or nervous and analyze why that was the case. Note whether it was a pleasant experience or you were anxious to leave. Ask yourself if you were actively involved in the discussion or if you felt at a loss for words, and write down your answer.
Write the favorable aspects of the interview. If you felt confident with your responses to the interviewer's questions, say why. Think of whether you had a rapport with him. Analyze if you were dressed appropriately. Use these ideas to get to know yourself better.
Record your shortcomings and areas for improvement. Decide whether you need to prepare more thoroughly for the next interview. Note whether you were prepared to answer why they should hire you, which is a frequently asked question in interviews. Write a reminder to have several questions ready to ask the interviewer next time.
Discuss in your reflection how you may have responded to difficult or unwieldy questions, such as how you see yourself in 10 years. Jot down whether you were prepared to describe extracurricular activities, volunteer internships, or any unusual travel experiences you may have had.
Add to the reflection if you made eye contact with all interviewers for a panel or group interview. Think about whether your speech was clear and loud enough to be heard easily. Note if you were animated and seemed interested in the procedure.
Make note of whether or not you benefited from this interview. Include a list of steps you will take to improve for the future. Reread your reflection when preparing for the next interview.
- 1 "Communicating at Work"; Ronald Adler & Jeanne Elmhorst; 2005