How to Write an Informative Speech About Adopting

While giving an informative speech, your primary goal is to tell your audience some basic facts about a topic. Unlike a persuasive speech, you will not be giving your opinion. Also, unlike a biographic speech, you will not be focusing on your personal experiences with adoption. An informative speech about adoption requires some research on your topic and a straightforward structure.
Choose an interesting focus for your topic. Adoption might be too broad of a topic to cover in a few minutes. Try to narrow in on a specific aspect of adoption. For example, you could explain the difference between open and closed adoptions, discuss the reasons people choose to give up their children for adoption, explain your state's adoption laws or discuss a historical aspect of adoption. Choose a focus that is appropriate for your time frame and audience.
Research your topic. Since this is an informative speech, you will need to locate up-to-date information relevant to your topic. The library or Internet will provide plenty of resources. Look for information relating to your specific focus, not on adoption in general. Take notes of the facts and keep a list of your resources.
Compose the introduction to your speech. Your opening statements should get your audience's attention by using an interesting fact, a compelling quotation or a heart-touching story of an adoption. Then, state the specific focus of your speech and provide an overview of the main points you will be covering.
Write your body paragraphs. Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence, followed by relevant facts from your research. Be sure each paragraph has a clear main idea with supporting sentences. When introducing a fact from research, try to orally tell where each fact came from. For example, you might say, "According to the Adoption Council..." This lets your audience know the information they are about to hear came from a credible source.
Write your conclusion. In a speech, your conclusion has two main functions: briefly summarize each of your main points and end with a memorable element. The conclusion works somewhat like the introduction but in reverse. Begin by reminding the audience of your main ideas. Then include something memorable to conclude your speech. You could make a reference to the future, end with a touching story or conclude with a quotation. Leave your audience with a fuller understanding of adoption and its important role in our society.
Outline the main points of your speech onto note cards, if these are allowed. Reading from a fully-written essay will cause you to look down at your notes too much. You need simple guide words to help you remember each part of your speech. This will help you make eye contact with your audience.
- Expressing your opinions about adoption can cause you to receive a lower grade on your informative speech. Save your opinions for a persuasive speech.
- Consider using a visual aid, if allowed. Charts, graphs, posters, or short videos can make an oral speech more visual.
- Practice delivering your speech about adoption. Make sure your ideas flow smoothly and that your speech fits into an appropriate time frame.