How to Use Franklin Covey Compass

The Weekly Compass is an integral part of the weekly planning system recommended by Franklin Covey, the well-known manufacturer of paper planning systems. The Weekly Compass card serves as a reminder of our most important roles in life, as well as important weekly goals we plan to accomplish within those roles. The blank Weekly Compass cards are included in planner packs or starter packs and may be purchased separately.
1 Use Weekly Compass To Improve Productivity
2 Identify your important roles
Identify your important roles in life and list them in the area provided on the compass card. Roles vary from one individual to another but some examples are: parent, wage earner, financial manager, home executive, family member, marathon runner, grad student, soccer mom, entrepreneur and apprentice chef. These roles may change from time to time, or for that matter, from week to week.
3 Fill in the Sharpen
Fill in the “Sharpen The Saw” section at the top of the compass. Record an activity in each of the four listed areas: Physical, Social/Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. Choose activities that stimulate your physical and mental health.
4 List what Franklin Covey terms your Big Rock for each role
List what Franklin Covey terms your “Big Rock” for each role. Your big rock is the most important weekly priority for each role you have placed on your compass. Ask yourself what activity would have the most positive impact in each of the roles. Write it on the Compass card.
5 Translate your big rocks
Translate your big rocks into appointments and tasks and record them in your weekly planner when scheduling your week. That way your most important tasks for your most critical life goals are given priority and not pushed out of the way by the small, sometimes unimportant, tasks that crop up for each of us on a day-to-day basis. In general your big rocks will be important, rather than urgent. By focusing on them, you feel productive and in control.
6 Place your compass in your planner
Place your compass in your planner where you can see it daily.
- Confine yourself to 3 to 5 roles and focus on your big rocks, but don't skip the personal Sharpen The Saw section.
- Use the back of the card to record notes about the week. A section is provided for notes, along with a short reminder on the steps for weekly and daily planning.