The Proper Etiquette for Church Ushers
29 SEP 2017

Church ushers serve in different ways that vary according to religious tradition and doctrine. Some of the more common duties of ushers including guiding congregants to their seats, passing collection plates and collecting new member information. Although the specifics will vary, there are general rules of etiquette that ushers should follow to show respect to the church and its members.
1 Appropriate Dress
Ushers should dress appropriately. Some churches have a formal dress code so that visitors and new members can instantly recognize the ushers. For example, ushers may be asked to dress in black and white. Other churches may just request that the ushers dress in a conservative manner. Women may be asked to wear skirts that extend below the knee and men may be asked to wear slacks, not jeans.
2 Appropriate Behavior
General etiquette states that ushers should behave appropriately at all times, even when they are not performing official duties. Polite behavior includes speaking in a moderate tone, having a friendly demeanor and never engaging in gossip or being openly critical of the church or a church member.
3 Attention to Duties
Ushers should be focused only on their duties when they are serving. They should not be listening to music, taking phone calls, chewing gum or ignoring someone who needs help to talk to someone else. If an usher has a specific duty, such as barring entrance to the sanctuary when a prayer is in progress, she should strive to perform her duty in a polite manner that will not offend anyone. In addition, ushers should arrive on time or even early and stay late enough to make sure their duties are completed.
4 Church Knowledge
Ushers represent the church. An usher may be the first person a newcomer to the church meets. For that reason, ushers need to be confident in their knowledge of the church's practices and beliefs. New visitors to the church may ask an usher questions ranging from directions to the nearest restroom to inquiries about the pastor's schooling and background. Ushers should be able to answer most of these questions politely and with a smile.