How to Make Words Underlined and Extend the Width of the Sheet in Microsoft Word

You can increase the emphasis of words in your document by underlining your text in Microsoft Word. You can also apply additional underline styles to your text, such as dashed lines and decorative styles. After you've underlined your text, you can apply justification to extend your text to your document's margins. Decrease margins so that your text extends to the edge of the document using the Margins command in the Page Layout ribbon.
1 Underline Your Text
To turn on underlined text, press "Ctrl-U" on your keyboard, click the "Underline" button in the Font group of the Home ribbon or click the "Underline" button in the floating toolbox that appears when you've highlighted text. Additional underline styles can be found by clicking the "Underline" drop-down arrow. Select one of the underline styles or select a color from the "Underline Color" menu. Click "More Underlines…," click the "Underline Styles" drop-down box and then select a decorative underline style for your text.
2 Extend Your Document's Width
Justifying your text will extend the line to both sides of your document's margins. To justify your text, highlight your text and then click the "Justify" button in the Paragraph group of the Home ribbon, or press "Ctrl-J." To extend the margins of your document, click the "Page Layout" tab. Click the "Margins" drop-down button and then click "Custom Margins…" Enter "0" into the Top, Bottom, Left and Right boxes under the Margins section and then click the "OK" button. Click "Ignore" in the Microsoft Word dialog box to extend your margins to the edge of your document.