What are the Levels of Process During Process Mapping?

1 Background
Often used by businesses, process maps are images of the activities that are occurring during any kind of process. They are also often referred to as flowcharts. Process mapping is the procedure of learning how to understand and analyze the reasons why a process "acts" or "behaves" in the specific manner that it does. Then once a process is analyzed, process mapping can be utilized in order to make it better by making components of the situation easier and more convenient. In some cases, process mapping leads to formulating a brand new process entirely or making certain elements of the process foolproof. Several "levels of process" are associated with process mapping.
2 Macro Level
Macro level is the first level of process of improvement. Macro level generally exists to offer a detailed overview of a complete process or of various different processes.
3 Mini Level
Mini level is the most popular level within the levels of process for process mapping. At this level, process maps usually cross departmental borders and bring various people into the mix. Every step within the mini level symbolizes an activity. The activities that are represented also all consist of many different tasks.
4 Micro Level
Micro level is the level of process that is often required for conducting a thorough, detailed and extensive analysis of any type of work process or function. All of the different steps under the micro level are tasks. Most of the tasks are carried out by one individual person. After observing and conducting all of the levels of process, it is vital to develop an agreement or understanding from every process owner regarding the definition and purpose of the entire situation.
5 Other Names
There are other names for the three levels of process improvement. These are "incremental improvement" (macro level), "redesign" (mini level) and "rethinking" (micro level). Incremental improvement involves having small groups joining as one and exploring the improvement possibilities for any type of process (such as cycle periods and costs). Redesign is more formal and entails having a cross-functioning business procedure that involves a larger group with progress reporting. Rethinking involves a wide process examination that might end up in having a specific segment of the business being outsourced. Redesign involves transformations, like adding on entirely different subdivisions and changing the structure of the entire business organization.