How to Make a Pyramid Out of Copper
29 SEP 2017

Pyramids have long been used as a structure for temples and tombs. The Egyptians buried royalty in pyramids, and South American tribes used step-pyramids as places to commune with their deities. Both cultures believed pyramids were among the perfect shapes, the apex representing a line from earth to the heavens. Today, many people still hold to this belief, using pyramids to focus their energies when they meditate. They believe the point of the pyramid helps them harness cosmic energy and a greater understanding of the universe. These pyramids are usually just a hollow frame made of wood or copper. Copper is thought to be a great amplifier of energy. You can make a copper pyramid small enough to fit in your palm or large enough to sit inside; the basic principles remain the same.
Choose thin copper tubing, no more than about ¾ of an inch in diameter. This tubing will be easier to cut, bend and handle while you make your pyramid. Find corner joints to go with the tubing.
Decide how large you want to build your pyramid. This determines how much copper tubing you need. For a small pyramid that sits in your hand, you need no more than about 6 feet of tubing. For a pyramid large enough for you to sit in, you’ll need 30 to 40 feet of tubing. These instructions will teach you how to make a large pyramid, but the angles will be the same for a small one.
Cut four, 6-foot-long pieces of copper tubing with your tube cutters. Clamp the round inner edges of the cutter around the tube and spin them around the tube once in a circular motion. The tube should fall away with two smooth clean cuts on both new pieces.
Set your combination square to a 60 degree angle. Epoxy the ends of two of your 6-foot pieces together at a 60 degree angle. Squeeze the ends to be glued closed with pliers and apply epoxy to the flat ends. Clamp them in place while they dry.
Repeat step 4 with the other two 6-foot pieces of copper tubing. These are the upright triangles for your pyramid.
Measure the open side of each triangle and cut four pieces of copper tubing about an inch shorter than this opening. Screw these four pieces together with the corner joints to form a square; the corner joints will make up for the extra inch. This forms the base of your pyramid.
Pick up one of the triangles and brace the open side against one side of the base, with the tubes of the triangle touching two of the corner joints. Clamp the triangle in place so it is upright. Repeat with the second triangle on the opposite side of the base.
Loosen the clamps slightly and tilt both triangles toward the center of the square base until the tips of the triangles touch. Clamp the tips of the triangles together and epoxy the triangles to the base by removing one clamp, gluing the tube to the base and replacing the clamp. Epoxy the tips together, also. Allow the pyramid to dry for 24 hours.