How to Hang Bunting for Mourning
29 SEP 2017

Bunting is often hung on homes, buildings or vehicles to signify mourning for important public figures, such as a country's leaders, the Pope, or fallen firefighters, police and military personnel. Black bunting is also hung atop portraits and windows as a sign of mourning. Typical mourning bunting is black, although purple is sometimes added. Patriotic bunting is used for military members and is also widely displayed on important patriotic holidays, such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day.
Drape black bunting across the front, doorways and windows of fire and police stations to honor an officer killed in the line of duty if you're in charge of these decorations. Attach the bunting at the corners of doors and windows with hooks or wood staples, allowing loose draping at the top with sections hanging straight down on both sides. Remove mourning bunting upon conclusion of services.
Hang black bunting along the sides and front of the fire truck or caisson used to carry the casket of a fallen first responder or military member killed in the line of duty. Mourning bunting also should be attached to cover the emergency lights in the front. Bunting can be attached to vehicles using wires or strong tape. When an officer has died of illness or a cause unrelated to duty, only the emergency lights should be covered.
Hang black bunting across the front, doorways and windows of federal buildings when an official period of mourning is declared for a fallen president or other national leader, or in the event of a major national tragedy. Attach bunting with rope, wires, hooks or wood staples, allowing the center to drape loosely and sides to hang free. Drape official portraits or pictures of the fallen leader with black fabric. Remove all bunting at the end of the officially declared mourning period.
Hang black or patriotically colored bunting (or a combination) on buildings, entrances to cemeteries and memorial grounds to commemorate fallen troops on Memorial Day or Veterans Day. Remove the bunting when observances are completed.