What Government Body Is Responsible for Interpreting the Constitution?

The Supreme Court is responsible for interpreting the constitution.
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The United States federal government consists of three main branches with distinctly different responsibilities. Periodic public elections place individuals who hold positions in the executive and legislative branches. The president makes appointments to the judicial branch, but these appointments must be approved by the Senate. When it comes to interpreting the constitution, the responsibility falls on the Supreme Court, which is part of the judicial branch of the federal government.

1 The Supreme Court

As part of the judicial branch of the federal government, the Supreme Court is ultimately responsible for interpreting all facets of the law. The sitting justices of the Supreme Court determine any cases or issues that arise in which constitutional interpretation is necessary. It is important to note that this court system’s function is to try specific cases and render decisions solely based on constitutional interpretation. The court justices do not offer advice or guidance to federal government employees or elected officials.

Based in North Carolina, Juliet Spencer has been writing education-related articles since 2005. Spencer has taught undergraduate English composition and technical writing courses for more than three years. She holds a Master of Arts in English from East Carolina University. Spencer is currently working on a young adult novel.
