Foods for Spiritual Fasting
29 SEP 2017

Fasting, or abstaining from certain foods and beverages for a period of time, is a spiritual practice that may help you clarify your thoughts, purify your soul and cleanse your body. While some people choose not to eat at all while fasting, you may opt to eat light snacks or healthy foods, particularly if you have health issues or if you plan on fasting for an extended period of time.
1 Fruits and Vegetables
A variety of fruits and vegetables are often included in a spiritual fast, including the Daniel Fast -- chronicled in the Bible in Chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel -- in which Daniel refuses to eat the Babylonian king's decadent, unhealthy foods. All fresh and dried fruits -- including berries, apples, melons and stone fruits like peaches and plums -- are allowed. Various-colored vegetables like spinach, kale, corn, carrots and peppers also are part of the Daniel Fast. Avoid dried fruits and vegetables with added sugars and/or preservatives since the objective of the fast is to consume foods in their natural, healthiest state.
2 Grains, Nuts and Seeds
A person for whom significant sustenance is necessary, such as a person who has diabetes, can eat whole grains, seeds and nuts while on a spiritual fast. Unprocessed grains are best because their fiber content is higher and they will help to quickly eliminate toxins from the body. Whole grain breads, crackers and cereals are ideal foods to eat while on a fast that includes carbohydrates. Nuts and seeds, such as unsalted almonds and pumpkin seeds, make a healthy snack during a fast.
3 Cooking Oils
If you're going to cook vegetables while you're fasting, it's best to use high-quality pure olive or coconut oil, which are high in healthy fat and Vitamin E and, unlike over-processed oils, will not contaminate foods. Grapeseed, sesame and peanut oils are also appropriate. If you're not a vegetarian or if you need to consume a considerable amount of protein while fasting, saute organic fish and seafood in the above healthy oils.
4 Beverages
Fresh fruit and vegetable juices with no unnatural additives are fitting for a fast that promotes spiritual growth and enlightenment. Drink spring, distilled and electrolyte-infused water to keep well hydrated while fasting. In some religions, drinking beverages is not allowed during certain parts of a fast, such as between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan, a holy month in Islam. After sunset, Muslims can drink the types of waters listed above, as well as juice.