The Advantages of Type A Personalities

Typically described as competitive, no-nonsense, temperamental and having a sense of urgency, Type A personalities run in overdrive. Considered the “go-getters,” they are also the type that may intimidate or even alienate people around them. Of the four personality types, Type A also deals with the most stress and is most at risk of cardiac and coronary disorders.
1 Type A Personalities Get Things Done
While other personality types may hesitate and fully assess the situation before confronting a new challenge, a Type A person will forge ahead. Some may equate this trait with recklessness, while others may consider it decisiveness. At any rate, Type A personalities are most suited to situations where any action is better than inaction. Type A personalities can be expected to take the lead in situations. This — coupled with tendencies and capabilities for multi-tasking — enable Type A personalities to get things done as quickly as possible.
2 Type A Personalities Succeed in Competitive Endeavours
Serious workers, competitive, and often looking for better ways of doing things, Type A personalities do well as entrepreneurs, managers and business owners. Extremely professional, they also deal in a very direct manner and do not waste time. Type A personalities do not mind challenges or taking risks in order to achieve what they want.
3 When the Going Gets Tough, Type A Emerges
Drastic times call for drastic measures. For some, unleashing the Type A in them can be a life-saving option. After undergoing devastating experiences usually in terms of loss of wealth or status, Type B personalities can either sink into depression — believing all courses of action to be useless — or they can decide to transform into Type A and deal with the situation in a positive manner.
4 Type A Personalities Have Better Chances at Procreation
Competitiveness and leadership qualities associated with Type A personalities matter more than socio-economic status when it comes to success at procreation. A study conducted by Markus Jokela and Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen of the University of Helsinki revealed a statistical correlation between Type A personality traits and number of children. Proponents of the study hypothesized that Type A personalities with leadership capabilities and skills at influencing people may be less frightened of parenthood.