4H Woodworking Projects
4 OCT 2017

The youth development program 4-H is directly connected to research-based advances achieved at state land grant colleges and universities in the United States. 4-H encourages youth to learn by doing and to think and act inventively. Educational project materials for groups and individuals within the Cooperative Extension System are available through the National Directory of 4-H Materials. Youth and group leaders interested in woodworking projects can browse this brief list of available projects.
1 Grades Two, Three and Four
In Woodworking Wonders 1: Measuring Up, if you are a child in second, third and fourth grade, you can develop and learn skills you will need to undertake woodworking projects. This is the most basic guide to help ground you in safe and effective woodworking practices. Measuring is the first skill to be mastered. You will also learn to square and cut a board. You learn to drive nails and to use screws and clamps.
2 Grades Four, Five and Six
4H members who are in fourth, fifth and sixth grade can participate in Woodworking Wonders 2: Making The Cut. With basic skills mastered, you can measure, cut and undertake more demanding activities such as cutting and sanding, drilling and using more advanced hand tools and power tools. You have an opportunity to paint wood and to employ both staples and bolts.
3 Grades Six, Seven and Eight
Woodworking Wonders 3: Nailing It Together enables you to add to the skills you have mastered. You can gain practice with measuring, including the measuring of angles. Dado and rabbet joint cutting are part of the activities of this program. You have an opportunity to use various saws including table, circular and radial arm. You gain experience with planer, by hand, as you smooth lumber. You gain hands-on experience with the art of sanding and preparing wood then staining wood.
4 Grades Nine, 10, 11 and 12
A more advanced program is called Woodworking Wonders 4: Finishing Up. 4-H members enhance their woodworking knowledge and skills. You will use a portable planer among other tools such as a jointer and a router. The project you undertake includes a tenon joint and blind mortise. You gain experience as you make dovetail joints. In your project, you use both wood stripping chemicals and adhesives, materials that challenge your knowledge gained to date.
5 Volunteers and Helpers
Woodworking Wonders: Helper's Guide provides professional development materials and guidance for 4-H helpers and volunteers. The guide supplies you with a mix of group activities. All of these are directed toward increasing 4-H youth knowledge of and skill with basic woodworking concepts.