Preschool Skit Ideas

Pair children up so they won't feel too shy.

Skits are ideal for preschool. Putting on short plays helps children use their imaginations and creativity while working as a team and putting lessons to use. However, putting on a skit with preschoolers can be challenging. Rather than expecting children to memorize lines, explain the characters and scenarios they'll be acting out, then let them improvise their exact lines. A teacher can step in and redirect the scene if necessary.

1 Rules

Help teach children about how to follow the class rules by putting on a skit. Once you've established the class rules and students have learned them, break the class up into a group to act out each rule. Assign one rule to each group, then help them come up with an idea to act out the right and wrong way to follow the rule. For instance, if they're acting out "use walking feet," have one child pretend to be running around and fall. Have another child walk calmly over and help him up, then have them talk about why walking is safer.

2 Bullying

Bullying becomes a major problem in some schools when children are as young as six or seven. Teach them the importance of being kind to their classmates when they're young and they'll grow up to be kinder teens and adults. Have children splut up into groups of three. While one child pretends to pick on another child, the third child helps the bullied child by being kind to him and telling the bully to stop. She can also pretend to get an adult to help if necessary. You can also have children pretend to argue, then use their calm words to solve the problem rather than calling each other names.

3 Self-Esteem

Use skits to help preschoolers celebrate themselves and build their self-esteem. Ask each child to think about the things he's good at and what he likes about himself. Have each child act out the activities he's good at, such as painting or playing soccer. He can also give a short speech about what he likes about himself. At the end, have all the children line up and act their skills out at the same time.

4 What We've Learned

Check that preschoolers understood a lesson plan by having them perform a skit at the end of it. For instance, if you've just had a lesson plan about insects, have children pretend to be going on an insect hunt. They can point out imaginary insects and talk about the things they've learned about each one. This type of skit is also appropriate for the end of the school year. At the graduation ceremony, have small groups act out their favorite lessons from the year.

Cooking, travel and parenting are three of Kathryn Walsh's passions. She makes chicken nuggets during days nannying, whips up vegetarian feasts at night and road trips on weekends. Her work has appeared to The Syracuse Post-Standard and insider magazine. Walsh received a master's degree in journalism from Syracuse University.
