Sunday School Object Lessons on Snowflakes
29 SEP 2017

Sunday school object lessons are used to teach a moral or ethical lesson. Sometimes the lesson involves physical items or demonstrations that involve the children. The teacher asks questions during the lesson. During the winter, snowflakes can be used in Sunday school object lessons to teach about prayer, God's love despite bad times, salvation and kindness.
1 Snowflakes Are Like Prayer
Use white confetti, snowflake confetti or fake snow that grows when water is added. Describe how each snowflake is different and very small. Toss the confetti or artificial snow into the air and let it fall around the children in a pile. While the flakes fall, tell the children that the flakes are like prayers. Like snowflakes, prayers are unique and small, but they make their journey together and pile around God. Many prayers are more powerful than one.
2 God's Love During Bad Times
Use tiny foam balls and a small fan for this snowflake Sunday school lesson. Turn on the fan so it faces the children and sends the foam balls flying around them like a blizzard of snow. Let them grab at the snowflakes before you stop the fan and they settle down. Explain that sometimes our lives are like a blizzard when bad things happen and we can't see which way to go. Then explain that God is still there during that difficult time, and that he will help to calm the storm.
3 Sin and Salvation
Psalm 51:7 reads, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Let children touch artificial snow to see how clean and white it is. Explain to them that as sinners we are all dirty, and that the blood of Jesus will cleanse us and make us ready for Heaven. With the cleansing, we will all become as white, and clean, as freshly fallen snow.
4 Snowflakes and Kindness
Use small snowflake-shape confetti and let it fall over the children, a few flakes at a time. While the snowflakes fall, tell the children that each snowflake is a kindness performed by someone for someone else. Continue after every snowflake has fallen, and point out the pile of "kindnesses" around the children's feet. Tell them that once the snow stops falling, the world is filled with good will. Let the children collect and keep the snowflakes. (See Resources section.)