How to Write the Title of a News Article in a Paper

How you write the title of a newspaper article into an academic research paper depends entirely on which style you're writing the paper. The two main academic styles are the MLA format and the APA format. Both of these formats have their own unique rules when it comes to formatting specific pieces of information, and the title of a newspaper article is certainly no exception. This information will go on the "Bibliography" or "Works Cited" page of your paper.
1 Find out the complete title
Find out the complete title of the newspaper article you're trying to reference, the full name of the paper in which it was printed, the exact date it was printed, the name of the author, and the section and page number on which it was originally printed. All of this information should be available by looking at the newspaper edition in which the article was printed.
Type the last name then the first initial of the author of the newspaper article (for APA style). In parenthesis, include the year, month and day the article was printed. Type the full name of the article and then type a period. Italicize the name of the newspaper in which the article was printed, and type a comma, followed by "pp," followed by the section and page number on which the article ran.
Type the last name, then the full first name of the author of the newspaper article (for MLA style). Type the full name of the newspaper article in quotes, followed by a period. Italicize the name of the paper in which the article ran, followed by a period. Type the day, month and year the article ran, followed by a period. Type the section and page number on which the article ran.