How to Write a Propaganda Speech

A propaganda speech is a specialized form of a persuasive speech. Both attempt to convince or persuade, but the propaganda utilizes a different approach to logic than a persuasive speech. Critics of propaganda accuse the style of purposefully using manipulation or faulty logic to influence an audience. From a rhetorical perspective, propaganda is an emotional appeal that mimics logical techniques. Well-delivered propaganda can be an effective form of persuasion, especially when delivered by a trustworthy speaker.
Select a topic from fields that interest you, and about whose various issues you are fully aware. Construct your topic to inform your audience about your general idea and to include an implied action that you want your audience to take. For instance, you may be very informed about the need to recycle and choose that as your topic and choose the topic, "How you can benefit from recycling," noting that the specific implied action is for your audience to begin a recycling program at your school or in their own homes. Remember that your actual topic is the general idea of your speech and your action is the specific action you want your audience to take.
Test the virtue of your propaganda speech by asking yourself if the implied action should be a universal action, and identify any harm that could result from your implied action. Decide to continue your speech or select a different topic based on your actions and moral decision-making. As an example, the action of recycling is good for the environment, and the physical cost for your audience is low, so you decide that a propaganda speech promoting recycling would be a good thing.
Test the need for you to use a propaganda-style speech by analyzing the reasons that people do not currently support your action. For instance, you notice that your audience does not currently recycle and you decide to either speak to a number of your fellow classmates and ask their reasons, or research some of the classic reasons that people fail to recycle.
Construct a logical argument that supports your case, one that is understandable and will sound reasonable. Identify its logical flaws and mark them as places where you need to address issues emotionally. As an example, you create a logical argument that suggests that recycling is a patriotic duty, or a matter of school pride. You recognize that the link between recycling and patriotism is weak, so you mark this weakness as something you will cover emotionally.
Write your speech. Begin by writing a strong introduction that grabs your audience and connects with them based on their interests. Develop compelling emotional ties that establish connections in your logic that seem weak. Use elements of your connections and form compelling arguments to support your implied action. For instance, you use your audience’s connection to patriotism, a strong emotion in most audiences, and connect their feelings of patriotic appreciation to their duty to recycle. Write your conclusion to bring all of your points together and state the action you wish them to perform, such as recycling at home.