How to Write a Hero Speech

Regardless of the topic, ineffective speeches fail to resonate with the audience. You can avoid this by taking several steps to ensure you captivate your audience and present your speech in an easy-to-understand and personal manner. When writing a hero speech -- a speech on your personal heroes and on being a hero -- conduct extensive research on both the hero and the audience. Logical connections between the subject matter and the audience should begin to appear as you continue your research. Utilize those connections to reach your audience, make an impact and get your point across.
1 Determine exactly your audience
Determine exactly who your audience is and identify the main points you want to get across with your hero story. Common speech topics include leadership, motivation and overcoming obstacles. Determine the point of your speech and then identify the audience to help define how you will convey your points. A common analytical method involves asking yourself simple and basic questions such as what commonalities are shared between you and the audience; what are the important subjects for the audience; what does the audience expect from the speaker; and what goals does the audience have? Use the answers to these questions to formulate an effective speech that meets the audience's needs.
2 Relate directly
Relate directly with the audience by utilizing their common concerns or values. For example, suppose your hero speech is motivational, and is being presented to your business associates. Find issues within the workplace that both improve and hinder motivation in the work environment, and intertwine those issues into your speech. This makes the speech personal to each of the listeners.
3 Introduce necessary facts
Conduct extensive research so you can introduce necessary facts. A hero speech grounded in readily-demonstrable facts resonates with the audience better than a speech that seems abstract and unrelatable. Facts add a dose of much-needed reality to your hero speech.
4 Write the speech in your natural speaking style
Write the speech in your natural speaking style. Keep your audience in mind while writing. "Write Out Loud" suggests imagining, and writing for, a lone individual in the audience. Keep this imaginary person in mind when reviewing the speech to determine areas that need improvement. This helps you remember that you're writing for your audience, not yourself.
5 Practice the hero speech
Practice the hero speech out loud and enlist the help of friends if any are available. Hearing yourself give the speech helps you analyze weak and strong areas. Use your friends to gauge audience reaction and to get feedback.